least 5 million people in USA alone are living with paralysis and some
of them cannot perform computer operations like typing or surfing internet
through physical interaction with computer hardware but Mind Machine Interface
or Brain Machine Interface is a technology that helps people to command and
control computer operation by using mind only.
Since 1970 scientists and researchers have been struggling to find
the possibilities of human's mind to control machines including computers. Thus
you would perform all of computer operations without touching or giving out the
speech but by using thoughts only.
These long term efforts have now started giving fruits as Bill
kocheves who was
paralyzed from shoulder for decade ago managed to move his arm and hand by the
help of Brain Machine Interface also called Brain Control Interface
Bill Kocheves was implanted with electrodes of 36-stimulating
electrodes into his arm and hand, He controlled the movement of his arm by
thinking and the machines was giving performance according to how Bill
Kocheves's Mind thinks.
Some people cannot speak, disabled people and cannot do anything
in such a way they cannot have full access with computers but they can only
think, Brain control technology is intending to use their mind to control
computer or any other machines in the way they want to do all computer tasks by
using brain.
Proven Brain Computer Researches
Is there a hope Mind to command any computer operation without
physical interaction with its hardware? The answer is yes! Several brain
computer researches were made using monkeys and the results were good. Monkeys
were enhanced devices on their heads, these devices sometimes called brain
sensors which were connected to the computer by a wire. Monkeys
were able to move computer cursor by thinking without touching computer mouse.
The most recent mind control computer interface research
backed by amazon and Alphabet was done by company founded by Patrick Kafosh,
The Company is building armband that can sense brain electrical activity and
send that activity to computer thus the way person wants computer operate will
be done according to how he thinks.
These researches are having potential to enable people's mind to
operate computer by using thoughts only. People living with paralysis and
disabled people will be able to use computer through their brain mind only.
Here comes a question how brain computer interface
works, because now you wonder how scientist managed to
implement a system that detects how someone is thinking and send these thoughts
to computer.
To understand how mind control machine works, first you need to
have knowledge about something called Electroencephalography shortly known as
What is EEG? Electroencephalography(EEG) is
the monitoring method of electrical properties of biological cell and
tissues for recording electrical activity of the brain.
In 1924 Hans Berger discovered that brain can release waves
ranging 8Hz to 13Hz due to brain electrical activity. As person thinks then
brain releases waves and electrical activity.
Thus this brain activity can be sensed by device which is put on
human's head, this device acts as EEG headset and its responsible is to read brain
waves which is generated through brain electrical activity.
This brainwave helmet can be connected to computer by a wire but
now days wireless technology is being used too.
Therefore if you think to command computer to perform certain task
brainwave reader will process your thoughts and send that thought to computer
for performing the task you need and in turn your Mind is controlling
The technology is expected to help everyone including disabled
people and people who live with paralysis to operate their daily tasks using
computer or machine.
But the technology has some problems because human being can think
multiple issues at once in such a way brain machine interface may fail to
fulfill concurrent tasks. This might result into errors or it can give
unexpected outcome. Now who will be hold responsible for Mind Control Computer
Interface errors?
Paralyzed and Disabled People or Anyone will Control Computer Using Mind Only [Soonest]
Reviewed by Sihaba Mikole