If you live in the house which has rats or rodents then you may get infectious disease called rat-bite fever. Rat-bite disease can be transmitted to human via rat bite or rat urine so if you have been infected with rat bite fever you will be suffering from inflammation of the skin, headache, fever or vomiting.
Rat-bite fever is caused by bacteria called streptobacillary and its vector is rat. Rodents are capable to transmit the bacteria to human body, this bacteria may cause a lot of complications to your health if you have not taken measures to prevent rat-bite infection.
For example Jesca Quals from Neshavile Tennessee was bitten by rat at local pet store on January 10. Since then after 10 days she started sick and she failed to move her arms. The diagnosis she got from hospital were for the people infected with rat-bite disease.
Another incident of rat-bite fever(Streptobacillus moniliformis) happened in Nepal to old woman of 56 years old in December 2017, She had started suffering from fever which resulted into body ache, itching pain and swelling.
She got these signs and symptoms 16 days after rat bite on her thumb.
Rat-bite is another zoonosis disease that someone may get after biting like cat-scratch disease which we have explained its dangerous effects to your health(see here).
There a lot of examples showing how rat bite has caused health complications to human health.
Therefore lets see in deep how rat bite is causing and transmitting rat-bite fever so that we can find the best methods for treatment, diagnosis and preventing rat-bite fever.
How Rat is Causing Rat-bite Fever to Human and other Animals?
The main source of rat-bite fever is bacteria called streptobacillus moniliforms and spirillum minus. So rats are just reservoir of streptobacillus moniliforms and spirillum minus therefore you may get disease if you have contacted with rat through the following ways.
- Rat bite on your skin or any part of your body, this may transfer streptobacillus moniliforms and spirillum minus into your body.
- Rat Saliva - streptobacillus moniliforms and spirillum minus can live in saliva too thus when infected rat contacts with food or water can transmit the bacteria if you eat contacted food or water.
- Rat Urine.
Prevention of Rat-Bite Disease.
You can take measures early to avoid being infected by rat-bite fever if you live in environment where rodents exist.The first effective method to prevent rat-bite fever is to kill rats or rodents surround your house, you can remove rats by using industrial rat poison.
Rat poison is useful method to kill rats and they can kill rats instantly at your house, you can buy industrial rat poison on ebay, amazon etc. Best and strong industrial rat poison price may range between $15 to $70.
Wash your hands if you have found rat contacted with your body, if you have rat bite go to the hospital for checking your health or buy special medicine that can help to get early treatment.
Cover containers, pots or cups with water or food, this will prevent rat urine or saliva to contact with food or water.
This how you can be infected by rat bite but you can prevent it. Rat-bite fever is not common known disease since its incidents are very rare and sometimes patient cannot show the symptoms for the long time, So you need to understand the disease deeply for the safety of your health.
[New Warning] - How Rodents(Rats) at Home May Endanger Your Health Through Rat-Bite Fever
Reviewed by Sihaba Mikole